The Process

Business Understanding

Think of us as your employee.

As part of the setup process we interview you to understand your systems and procedures. Remember we we follow your processes. If you want our advice for how other accountants are working we will happily provide it.

Our process

  1. We meet you face to face, via video or over the phone to understand the systems you use and your processes. This information will be the basis for our implementation plan.
  2. You will initiate the process by setting us up as a user in the same manner that you would set up any local employee, however we do not need access to any more than you would like us to work on.
  3. (Optional) we do the first small task/tax return for free to show you how we work.
  4. You allocate jobs to us the same way you do with existing employees.
  5. We do not store or copy any data on our servers – we use yours just like your local employees do. 
  6. We work on the job and complete it. If it cannot be completed because information is missing, we share those queries with you for you to send to your client.
  7. Once we have completed the job one of our senior Accountants review the job to ensure the quality. This review process is included in the prices quoted.
  8. We update your task list so you know the job is completed and you can send it to your client.
  9. We record the time used on the job in accordance with your processes.
  10. We work on jobs allocated to us on a first-in first-out basis unless you inform us of different priorities.